
My worst day

I don’t have the worst day in my life. It may be an improper expression; the day that my arm was out when I was a kindergartner. The day, I played with Untei with my friends in noon recess, because I like taking part in sports. And when, I was hung on the Untei and I let go of the Untei. But then, a friend got on over the Untei and stepped my hand. So, I couldn't make a successful landing and my arm was out. I felt very store my arm for me then.
Senior kindergartner came to me and takes me to teacher’s room. And I went to hospital near the preschool.
Then, I wanted my mother to go to hospital rapidly. However, my mother put my sister into a baby carriage and walks to hospital. I remember having felt sad. When I went to the doctor, he tugged at my arm once. I felt very pang then. But the pain passed away soon. I knew it I relief. This occurrence was the worst day in my life.
I feel bad day when I was an elementary school, my tooth snapped off too. Recorder hit my tooth and snapped off. However I didn't feel pain then. And after came home, I went to dentist and saw a dentist. My tooth snapped in half and I went to dentist. It cost money about eighty thousand-yen to cure.
However I feel aches rather the day that my arm tugged than the day that my tooth was snapped off. So, I think that my arm was tugged was the worst things for me.

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