
In New Zealand 2/8/2008, 3/8/2008

I will write diary that I experienced in New Zealand.

I left Japan. It was first time in my life. I got up early in this day. My sister cut some peach and she also made miso soup in early morning. My father took me to KGU. And we went to airport in Fukuoka from Kumamoto. We felt a lot of check is troublesome. However, when I got on a plane, I was excited to go to New Zealand. We cashed money in R.S. Then, she gave me Singapore dollars about $2 to us as free gift. In Singapore airport, there are a lot of tree and flower. It was very beautiful and big flower bed. The airport also has much store and the each store was very cute. We had waiting time and we dropped into the lots store during our waiting time. And when we were waiting in floor, we heard examiner said “whose jacket is this?” And I looked it, I found it is mine! What with this and that, we could get on a plane. There are many foreigners in there. We had in-flight meal, but it was not so good for us. The sky and scene that we saw from plane was very beautiful and I took some pictures. Our flight time was about 13 hours. So, we were very tired. Next day, we visited Unitec. We studied in there. When we were waiting our host family, some people came in. A grandmother came in there. She was my host mother. It eased me, because she looks very kind. And we went to her house by her car. There is a cat in her house and him name is sam. We introduced ourselves and we sat down at the table. My host mother prepared Sushi for me. I was surprised at the Sushi, because the sushi had avocado, but it was so delicious. And I took a shower and I slept in this day. I was very happy.

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